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Molecular Imaging Chemistry Laboratory (MICL)


Imaging Neurodegeneration

Target: a-synuclein, tau protein, amyloid-b, OPC

PET radiotracer candidates: EMF26, LM229, OT049

Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Huntington’s Disease, dementia with Lewy Bodies, and multiple sclerosis are characterised by the progressive loss of neurons and are classed as neurodegenerative diseases. The underlying pathology is a result of the formation of insoluble fibrillar inclusions which are under normal conditions unfolded and soluble. These fibrillar inclusions are known as plaques (amyloid-b), neurofibrillary tangles (tau) and Lewy Bodies (a-synuclein). As a non-invasive and functional imaging technique PET can allow for visualization of aggregates, as well as their quantification thus offering a powerful tool in diagnosis and disease monitoring.

In our group, we are developing selective PET imaging probes for each of the known aggregates. We have recently identified LM229 as a promising new PET candidate for imaging tau which compared favourably to known PBB3 analogue.

In addition, we have recently commenced research into multiple sclerosis where we target progenitor cells