The laboratory consists of four integrated areas covering the key stages required for the development and preparations of molecular imaging probes: i) an organic chemistry area for the generation of novel chemical entities and precursors, ii) an analytical area for chemical and radiochemical identification, iii) a radiochemistry area for synthesis and purification of radiotracers and iv) a radiopharmacology area for the biological characterisation and validation of imaging probes.
Organic Chemistry Laboratory
i) Organic Chemistry Laboratory is home to eight spacious fumehoods, each one equipped with a Schlenk line thus allowing each member of the MICL to have their own research space. The laboratory technician assists in the smooth running of the lab.
Analytical Laboratory
ii) In our Analytical Laboratory we have several instruments:
a. 300 MHz Avance III NMR machine equipped with the multinuclear probe for running 1H, 13C, and 19F NMR experiments for compound identification. We can run 2D NMR as well as variable temperature experiments.
b. Waters LCMS Xero TQD/Acquity H UPLC system which can be used for the day-to-day running of reaction mixtures as well as metabolite analysis as a part of reaction monitoring and compound characterization.
c. Gilson automated column system which can be used for compound separation and isolation. The system is versatile and practical for larger amounts of compounds.
Radiochemistry Laboratory
iii) Radiochemistry Laboratory is temporarily controlled area and dedicated to the production of compounds labelled with radionuclides (e.g., 11C and 18F). The laboratory is equipped with three automated modules: FxFN, FASTlab and Advion microfluidics platform. Each of the modules is in their dedicated hot cell. Also, manual hot cell is where manual radiochemical reactions are performed allowing for multiple experiments to be conducted at the same time on a small scale. The laboratory is also equipped with three HPLC systems (Thermo Scientific and Agilent) dedicated to radiosynthesis work and the QC analysis of materials prepared.
Radiopharmacology Laboratory
iv) Radiopharmacology Laboratory is where in vitro work is carried out. The laboratory is equipped with the Thermo Scientific HPLC system dedicated to the analysis of metabolites, GE Phosporimager used for autoradiographic studies or radiochemical reaction progress, and Hidex gamma counter for biodistribution and kinetic PET studies in a preclinical setting.
Imaging suite
v) is where we conduct our preclinical PET studies. The facility is equipped with a Mediso nanoScan PET/CT scanner which allows in vivo visualisation and quantification of radiotracer candidates.
Further information can be found:
Radiotracers available from MICL
Radiotracer Target Example of application
[11C]UCB-J SV2A Synaptic density
[11C]Leu Protein synthesis Tumours, AD
[11C]PK11195 TSPO Neuroinflammation
[11C]PIB B-Amyloid AD
[11C]LMET Amino acid transport Tumours
[11C]Acetate Metabolism Myocardial oxidative metabolism
[11C]PBB3 Tau AD
[11C]LM229 Tau AD
[11C]MTO B-hydroxylase Adenoma
[18F]AV1451 Tau AD
[18F]GE387 TSPO Neuroinflammation
[18F]GE180 TSPO Neuroinflammation
[18F]DPA714 TSPO Neuroinflammation
[18F]ADAM SERT Transporter
[18F]FDOPA Dopamine Neurotransmitter
[18F]CETO Adrenal glands Primary aldosteronism
[18F]FMISO Hypoxia Tumours
[18F]FLT Cellular proliferation Tumours
[18F]GE226 HER2 Metastatic breast cancer